I AM Laurel Lasha Yahjoylife
Your visit is a great privilege and it will be MY PLEASURE to share a bit of my JOYFUL LIFE with You.
My passion is to spread Joy through my art & thought provoking blogs.
COME with me on a beautiful journey and learn many secrets of CHOOSING and KEEPING JOY in your own life.
Yet, my ULTIMATE GOAL is to help you to break out of the mundane and CREATE THE LIFE YOU CRAVE DEEP WITHIN YOURSELF. To embrace the YOU you know you're already created to be ... Healed, Whole and Full of JOY and an artist in your own right no matter what form this may take.
Yahjoylife.com is founded on the realization that 'CREATIVITY IS WISDOM IN MOTION'... we ALL ARE CREATED to be creative in some way so we must ALLOW this ability to come to us as individual person so we can HAVE JOY and SHARE JOY.
JOY IS A CHOICE ... happy is circumstantial ... to break out of the mould you may find yourself stuck in will first of all need the realize that you may be stuck, then to be open to welcome the new you in real life instead of just in theory. This will take some time, effort, wisdom and peaceful determination. We are ALL ALREADY gifted with the tools yet few of us know how to access and use them with the guidance of your OWN INTUITION and connection to that small still voice inside.
Within the very core of yourself is the key and it is YOURS ALREADY. no gimmicks, no religious doctrine or ritual is necessary. The cost is the DEATH of what you've learned and the BIRTHING of NEW CHOICES... You get out what you put in yet with the "preface" of that it (joy) is already yours for the having..
Choose Joy NOW.
Love and Joy
Laurel Lasha Yahjoylife